Tuesday 23 July 2019

What is diabetes? What are the types of diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which the bloodglucose levels in the body increase. While this is the symptom, the reasonbehind this is that the glucose in the blood isn’t getting transported into thecells. Once the glucose goes from the blood into the cells, it can be convertedto energy when required.
The key to transporting blood glucose tocells is an enzyme called insulin. The insulin molecule attaches itself to thecells and creates an opening for blood glucose to enter the cell. Best Diabetes Blogs

For a person with diabetes, there is lessor no insulin in the body. Consequently, blood glucose is not transferred tothe cells and remains in the blood stream. Some of it is eliminated by thekidneys as urine. You might have heard of Egyptians diagnosing diabetes bychecking if ants get attracted to urine.
Thereare 2 types of diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes. In this condition, the body loses its ability toproduce insulin because the body’s immune system decided to kill the beta cells(in the pancreas) that produce insulin. This makes type 1 diabetes anauto-immune disorder. This usually occurs with young children. I was diagnosedwhen I was 28 - quite late onset for type 1 diabetes.
 Type 2 diabetes. In this condition, the body continues to make insulin.But the quantity of insulin is not sufficient. This leads to a steady increasein blood glucose levels - typically, leads to late diagnosis due to this. Thisusually occurs among older individuals.
Diabetes is a number of diseases thatinvolve issues with the hormone insulin. Normally, the pancreas (an organbehind the stomach) releases insulin to assist your frame keep and use thesugar and fats from the meals you eat.
Diabetes occurs while one of thefollowing happens:
   whilst the pancreas does not produce any insulin
   whilst the pancreas produces little or no insulin
   whilst the frame does no longer respond appropriately to insulin, acondition referred to as "insulin resistance"
diabetes is a lifelong disease. About 18. 2million americans have the sickness and almost one 1/3 (or about five. 2million) are unaware that they have got it. A further forty one million peoplehave pre-diabetes. As but, there may be no treatment. People with diabetes needto control their sickness to live healthful.
TheRole of insulin in diabetes
To apprehend why insulin is critical indiabetes, it facilitates to understand extra about how the frame uses food forpower. Your frame is made of thousands and thousands of cells. To make power,those cells want food in a very simple shape. While you eat or drink, lots ofyour meals is broken down into a easy sugar called "glucose." then,glucose is transported via the bloodstream to the cells of your frame where itcould be used to offer some of the power your body needs for daily sports. Thequantity of glucose on your bloodstream is tightly regulated by way of thehormone insulin. Insulin is continually being released in small amounts byusing the pancreas. When the amount of glucose for your blood rises to acertain stage, the pancreas will release more insulin to push more glucose intothe cells. This reasons the glucose ranges on your blood (blood glucose stages)to drop. To maintain your blood glucose ranges from getting too low(hypoglycemia or low blood sugar), your frame signals you to consume andreleases some glucose from storage saved in the liver. Human beings withdiabetes either don't make insulin or their frame's cells are proof againstinsulin, main to excessive degrees of sugar circulating inside the blood,called without a doubt high blood sugar. Via definition, diabetes is having ablood glucose degree of 126 milligrams in keeping with deciliter (mg/dl) orgreater after an in a single day speedy (not ingesting whatever).

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